“Food Lore” is an eight-episode, hour-long anthology series that explores the human condition with narratives inspired by and showcased through the perspective of Asian cuisines. It is overseen by Eric Khoo, and is produced as part of a partnership with the Infocomm Media Development Authority in Singapore. It shoots in eight countries across Asia with segments directed by Don Aravind (Singapore), Billy Christian (Indonesia), Takumi Saitoh (Japan), Ho Yuhang (Malaysia), Erik Matti (Philippines), Pen-Ek Ratanaruang (Thailand) and Phan Dang Di (Vietnam).
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“Food Lore builds on the success of Folklore, which was a six-part series, each with a different director and story, based on the customs and superstitions in six Asian countries. Food Lore is made up of eight dramatic films by eight directors, each one inspired by the countries’ cuisine. It has a great potential to travel. After Folklore, I’ve been frequently asked whether we’d do a second season, and I’d tell them we intend to, but not in the same way. Horror is popular, but it’s also quite niche. Audience either loves horror or they don’t; there is no middle ground. You can’t force someone who doesn’t like horror to watch it. But food, as a theme, is more universal. It is also a subject that plays to Asians’ strength. Asian food is very diverse. Food Lore is still a drama, we’re not doing a travelogue, but the stories are centered on certain dishes. It could be about family, or a romance or a fantasy. The stories from each filmmaker are different, but all interesting and touching. Visually it might also make you drool.
Eric Khoo will be once again our showrunner. We also have directors and stories from Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, India, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. They are quite representative of Asian cuisines. Food Lore has a wider reach than Folklore, with the participation from eight countries. The idea is to showcase Asia, and talents and local stories in Asia, and to give the filmmakers a platform to tell their own stories. Together it’s quite a powerful series.” - Jessica Kam-Engle ( Senior vice president, HBO Asia Original Productions)
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HBO Asia于2012年开始制作亚洲原创大制作,并在今天(18日)于香港举办的记者会上介绍接下来将播出的作品。4部作品,一一为你介绍!
“Food Lore ”讲述一个由当地食物或其文化启发的人文故事,以美食作主题触发的百般滋味,载满着乡土情怀、回忆、爱慕与感动,交织出一篇篇色香味俱全的故事。
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